Gliding in the Air Cadets

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The Viking Glider

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The Viking glider is the main winch launched glider used by the ATC and is used by many of the ATC's gliding schools spread across the UK. These schools exists to fly and train air cadets in the sport. The ATC also has a motorglider in it's fleet and it's called the Vigilant

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The Vigilant Glider

Gliding Scholarships

Brevets worn on qualified cadet's uniform

Gliding Scholarship Gliding Scholarship
Advance Gliding Training

Cadets can attend courses known as gliding induction courses before their 16th Birthday, these consist of up to 5 flights in three parts to assess their suitability for a gliding scholarship after their 16th birthday. Gliding Scholarships consist of up to 50 launches, and the pupil is constantly assessed to see if they are a suitable candidate to fly the aircraft solo. Successful cadets aspire to, and are authorised to, wear the "solo" wings on their uniform and all this before you can drive.


© Surrey wing ACO 2002 & Crown copyright / MOD