Cadet Training

Air Cadet training is progressive, and includes such topics as map-reading, the principles of flight, meteorology, navigation and aircraft recognition. Some of these subjects are developed at Leading and Senior Cadet level, whilst more specialist knowledge is acquired at Staff Cadet level.

Leadership qualities are brought out and developed via use of command exercises and through responsibility via the non-commissioned officer (NCO) rank structure of the corps.


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Cadets also take part in weapon training culminating in competition shooting, all under strict supervision of qualified adult instructors and RAF personnel.

Cadets have the chance to take part in adventurous training and expeditions, The Air Training Corps also operates the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme and cadets can wear the awards on their uniform.

Air Cadets can take part in at least five major sports at all levels. Cadets also participate in projects, such as helping in the local community.

There are chances to visit RAF Stations, including a week’s annual camp at low cost (Approx £40). For older cadets there are chances for overseas camps in Germany, Gibraltar and Cyprus and the ultimate is the international Air Cadet Exchange (IACE) scheme which covers 40 different countries around the world.

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These are some of the many activities the Air Cadets has to offer


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If you think this is for you then come and see us

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the blue silhouette


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